 | Trio of Mythical Unicorns A trio of mystical, mythical unicorns in miniature. All of glazed porcelain. meticulously hand crafted. the tallest is 1 7/8" x 7/8" x 2 1/4" high Set of 3
 | Pegasus Miniature Trio Pegasus... times three! A delightful miniature featuring this mythical horse. Porcelain. 2 1/2" x 1 1/4" x 2" high. Set of 3
 | Roosters & Hens Roosters and hens in vivid colors, hand-painted on a glazed ceramic finish. The tallest is 5 1/2" set of 4
 | A Trio of Playful Pigs A trio of playful pigs. Alabastrite. Set of 3.
 | A Pair of Pigs A pair of pigs meet for an over the fence smooch. Alabastrite. 2" diameter x 2 3/8" high.
 | A Trio of Cow Cowboys A trio of cow cowboys (and cowgirl) who look pretty content with life on the prarie. The largest is 2" x 1 1/4" x 2 3/8" high.
 | Miniature Porcelain Elephants Three miniature porcelain elephants make up this set of petite pachyderms. Tallest: 2" high.
 | Three Miniature Yorkshire Terriers Tiny versions of a tiny breed, three Yorkshire Terriers strike a pose. Largest: 2 1/8" x 1" x 1 3/8" high. set of 3
 | Three Miniature Basset Hounds A threesome of tiny Basset Hounds. Porcelain. Largest: 2" x 1" x 1 1/2" high. Set of 3
 | Three Porcelain Dalmatians A trio of happy Dalmatians. Porcelain. Largest: 1 3/4" x 1 1/2" x 2" high. Set of 3
 | Six Ceramic Kittens Six playful little ceramic kittens captured in delightful poses. Each is approximately 1 1/4" high. Set of 6
 | Porcelain Kitten & a Fish Bowl Porcelain cat looking for a buddy to play with. 3" high, 3 1/4" long.
 | Three Porcelain Persians A trio of purrr-fect porcelain Persians. Largest: 2 1/4" x 1 1/2" x 1 7/8" high. Set of 3
 | Three Ceramic Kittens A trio of gray ceramic Persian pussycats in miniature detail, with an underglazed finish. The largest is 2 1/4" long. Set of 3
 | A Family of Zebras Zippy stripes on this zebra family! Largest measures 2" x 2" high. Alabastrite. Set of 3
 | Pair of Miniature Giraffes Miniature porcelain giraffe pair are exquisitely hand-painted. Standing: 1 7/8" x 2" high. Set of 2.
 | Seven Nickel-plated Miniatures Miniatures cast from white metal, then nickel-plated to give them sparkle. Heights range from1/4" to 2 1/4". Set of 7
 | Gold-plated Elephant Metal elephant with 24K gold-plating stands only 1 1/2" high. Ruby-like eyes of faceted stones.
 | Gold-plated Miniatures Bear, parrot, goose, elephant, duck and swan, all 24K gold-plated. Heights range from7/8" to 1 1/4". Set of 6
 | Three Tiny Elephants Family of three tiny ceramic elephants. Largest is 2 3/8" high. Set of 3
 | Three Miniature Porcelain Elephants Miniature pachyderms in porcelain perfection. Largest: 3" x 1 1/8" x 2" high. Set of 3
 | Three Porcelain Miniature Elephants Three porcelain pals raise their trunks in chorus. The longest is 2 1/2" long. Set of 3
 | Family of Tiny Porcelain Horses A happy horse family in finely detailed porcelain. Papa:5/8" x 2 1/8" x 2" high. Set of 3
 | Tiny Porcelain Horses Arrange this family of tiny porcelain horses any way you like for an appealing display. Tallest: 1 1/2" high. Set of 3.
 | Trio of Miniature Dogs Poodle in a mixed trio. Alabastrite. 2" long. Set of 3
 | Playful Kittens Kittens can find fun stuff to do anywhere! Alabastrite. All 1 1/2" high. Set of 3
 | Miniature Rottweiler Pup A happy, rolicking Rottweiler pup. Alabastrite. 1 3/4" x 2 3/4" x 3 1/2" high.
 | Miniature Golden Retriever Pup This Golden Retriever puppy is destined to be a big beauty one day. Alabastrite. 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" high.
 | Miniature Chicken Family A mini chicken family out scratchin' around. Porcelain. Rooster is 2 1/8" x 1 1/4" x 2 3/8" high. Set of 3
 | A Black and White Cow A classic black and white bovine beauty in porcelain. 7 1/2" x 2 3/4" x 4 1/8" high.
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